Premium Australian Beef for Over 70 Years
At Kilcoy Global Foods, we pride ourselves on delivering beef solutions that are consistent, reliable and exceptional – every time.
That’s why they’re in high demand from foodservice providers, retailers, wholesalers, and institutional clients internationally and domestically.

Our Primal Cuts
Code 2223
Code 2260
Code 2323
Code 2090
Code 1502

Short Rib
Short Ribs are prepared from a Forequarter after the removal of the Brisket (item 1643)/Ribs Prepared/Chuck Square Cut. The cutting line is approximately 75mm from the eye of meat (M. longissimus dorsi) and parallel to the vertebral column. The M. cutaneus trunci is removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Cube Roll Lip On
Cube Roll Lip On is prepared from a Forequarter (item 1063) and consists of the M. longissimus dorsi and associated muscles underlying the dorsal aspect of the ribs (caudal edge of the 4th rib to the 13th rib inclusive). Lip (M. iliocostalis) retained.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

OP Rib
Ribs Prepared is prepared from a Forequarter after the removal of the Brisket (item 1643) and Chuck Square Cut. Short Ribs portion is removed at a distance of 75mm from the M. longissimus dorsi at the loin (caudal) end, parallel with the vertebral column to the specified rib. The body of the vertebrae (chine) is removed exposing the lean meat but leaving the spinous processes (feather bones) attached.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Ribs Prepared is prepared from a Forequarter after the removal of the Brisket (item 1643) and Chuck Square Cut. Short Ribs portion is removed at a distance of 75mm from the M. longissimus dorsi at the loin (caudal) end, parallel with the vertebral column to the specified rib. The body of the vertebrae (chine) is removed exposing the lean meat but leaving the spinous processes (feather bones) attached.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Rib Cap
Rib Cap is prepared from the Rib Cover (M. trapezius) and a portion of the (M. latissimus dorsi) removed along the natural seam and is the lateral surface covering of the Cube Roll. Where specified all visual fat, membrane and associated tissue are removed from the meat surface.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Rib Blade
Rib Blade Meat is prepared from Rib Meat and consists of portions of muscles located at the tail end (proximal) of the Blade and the Rib Cap. All visible fat is practically removed from the surface of the meat and the Silverskin may also be removed. The major muscle content will be specified and may comprise: muscles immediately below M. subscapularis and M. rhomboideus and above M. latissimus dorsi, M. trapezius and M. infraspinatus.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Rib Endmeat
Rib End Meat is prepared from Rib Ends by removal of the M. serratus ventralis (Short Rib Meat).
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Short Rib Meat
Short Rib Meat is the thickest portion of the M. serratus ventralis covering the 5th to the 8th ribs and following the dorsal cutting line of the Brisket. Short Rib Meat can be prepared from any portion of the serratus muscle and cut to any specific size as agreed between buyer and seller. All visual fat is removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Cube Roll
Alternative description: RIB EYE ROLL Cube Roll is prepared from a Forequarter (item 1063) and consists of the M. longissimus dorsi and associated muscles underlying the dorsal aspect of the ribs (caudal edge of the 4th rib to the 13th rib inclusive).
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Chuck Eye Roll
Chuck Eye Roll is prepared from the Chuck Roll (item 2275) by removing a portion of the M. serratus ventralis at approximately 75mm from the ventral edge and cut parallel to the vertebral column.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Chuck Short Rib
Chuck Short Rib is derived from a Chuck and comprises of the ribs, intercostal muscles and the major portion of the M. serratus ventralis. The portion of the Short Ribs is determined by the required number of ribs as agreed between buyer and seller.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Chuck Tender
Chuck Tender is a conical shape muscle lying lateral to the blade bone on the cranial edge of the scapular spine and is removed from the Forequarter following the natural seam.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Chuck Rib Meat
Chuck Rib Meat is prepared from a Chuck (item 2260) and is the portion of the M.serratus ventralis muscle remaining over the ribs after removal of the Chuck Roll and is a wedge shape.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Chuck roll
Chuck Roll is prepared from a Chuck (item 2260) by the removal of the neck between the 5th and 6th cervical vertebra parallel to the caudal cutting line. The ventral cutting line is a specified distance from the eye muscle (M. longissimus dorsi) and parallel to the vertebral column to the 1st rib. The M. trapezius and the M. rhomboideus are removed and the undercut (M. subscapularis) remains firmly attached.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Bolar Blade
Bolar Blade is prepared from the Blade (item 2300) by the removal of the M. infraspinatus and M. trapezius lying caudal to the humerus, the Bolar Blade includes a large portion of the triceps group of muscles.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Oyster Blade
Oyster Blade is prepared from a Blade (item 2300) by the removal of the Bolar Blade (triceps group) along the natural seam from the M. infraspinatus.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Blade is prepared from a Forequarter by following the natural seam between the ribs and the scapular (M. latissimus dorsi) and overlying muscle (M. trapezius) and the underlying muscle (M. serratus ventralis). The Blade lies caudal to the humerus and below the spine of the scapula and comprises of a large portion of the triceps group of muscles.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Point End Brisket Deckle Off
Brisket Point End deckle off is prepared from a Brisket (item 2323) by the removal of the Navel End and following the caudal edge of the specified rib.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Navel End Brisket
Brisket Navel End is prepared from a Brisket (item 2323) by the removal of the Point End and following the caudal edge of the specified rib. 2346 Points requiring specification: • Rib number required. • Intercostals removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Tenderloin Strap Off
Tenderloin Side Strap Off - Tenderloin (item 2150) is further trimmed by the removal of the side strap (M. psoas minor).
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Striploin is prepared from a Hindquarter by a cut at the lumbosacral junction to the ventral portion of the Flank. The Flank is removed at a specified distance from the eye muscle (M. longissimus dorsi) at both cranial and caudal ends.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Tenderloin is prepared from the Hindquarter and is removed in one piece from the ventral surface of the lumbar vertebrae and the lateral surface of the ilium. The side strap muscle (M. psoas minor) remains attached.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.
Short Loin is prepared from a Hindquarter by a straight cut at the junction of the lumbar and sacral vertebrae to a point cranial to the tuber coxae to the ventral portion of the Flank. The Thin Flank is removed at a point cranial to the tuber coxae and approximately 50mm to 75mm from eye muscle (M. longissimus dorsi) and running parallel to the body of the vertebrae to the specified rib.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Rostbiff is prepared from a Rump (item 2090) by the removal of M. tensor fasciae latae, M. gluteobiceps and the M. sacrocaudalis along the natural seam. The periosteum and associated fats are removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Rump Cap
Rump Cap is prepared from a Rump (item 2090) by removal of the cap muscle (M. gluteobiceps) along the natural seam.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

D-Rump is prepared from a Rump (item 2090) by the removalof the tail (Flank) by a cut following the natural seam between the M. tensor fasciae latae and the M. gluteus medius removing all of the tail from the lateral surface.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Bottom Sirloin Triangle (Tri-Tip) is the portion of the triangle shape muscle (M. tensor fasciae latae) separated from the Rump (item 2090) along the natural seam between the M. tensor fasciae latae and the M. gluteus medius muscles.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Eye Round
The Eye Round is prepared from the Outside (item 2030) by following the natural seam between the Outside Flat (M. gluteobiceps) and the Eye Round (M. semitendinosus) separating the two muscles.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Outside Flat
Outside Flat is prepared from an Outside (item 2030) by the removal of the Outside Flat along the natural seam between the Eye Round (M. semitendinosus) and the Outside Flat (M. gluteobiceps).
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Topside (Inside) Cap Off
Alternative description: INSIDE CAP OFF 2011 Topside Cap Off is prepared from the Topside (item 2000) by the removal of the M. gracilis muscle along the natural seam. Fat deposits are removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Alternative description: INSIDE 2010 Topside is situated caudal and medial to the femur bone and attached to the os coxae (aitchbone), and removed by following the natural seam between the Thick Flank and Silverside. The pizzle butt, fibrous tissue and inguinal lymph node and surrounding fat are removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Knuckle is prepared from a Thick Flank (item 2060) by removing the cap muscle (M. tensor fasciae latae) and associated fat and subiliac lymph node.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Silverside is situated lateral/caudal to the femur bone and attached to the os coxae (aitchbone) and is removed by following the natural seam between the Thick Flank and Topside. The leg end of the primal is cut straight at the junction of the achilles tendon and heel muscle (M. gastrocnemius). The attached cartilage/gristle (thimble) from the aitch bone is removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Forequarter Shin Shank
Shin/Shank is prepared from the muscles of the fore and hind legs, namely the extensor and flexor group of muscles. In addition, the Shin/Shank pack can include the Heel Muscle (M. gastrocnemius). • Connective tissue and skin removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Hindquarter Shin Shank
Shin/Shank is prepared from the muscles of the fore and hind legs, namely the extensor and flexor group of muscles. In addition, the Shin/Shank pack can include the Heel Muscle (M. gastrocnemius). • Connective tissue and skin removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Thin Flank
Thin Flank is prepared from a Hindquarter by a cut commencing at the superficial inguinal lymph node, bisecting the M. rectus abdominis and following the contour of the hip, and continuing to the specified rib and following the contour of the rib to the ventral edge. The connective tissue (linea alba) on the ventral edge is removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Flap Meat
Flap Meat is prepared from the Internal Flank Plate (item 2203). The thin tapered ends of the muscle are trimmed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Flank Steak
Flank Steak is prepared from a Thin Flank and is the flat lean f leshy portion of the M. rectus abdominis, and is further prepared by stripping the serous membrane and connective tissue from the muscle.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Inside Skirt
Inside Skirt (M. transversus abdominis) is located on the inside of the abdominal wall of the Hindquarter and extends to the Naval End portion of the Brisket. The peritoneum and fat flakes are removed.
What is this?
AUS-MEAT has assigned a distinct four-digit number for every primal cut specification and offal product derived from beef, veal, sheep and goat.

Beef Quarters

The Marble Score
MB 0-1

Below is a sample of our marble score 0-1 Blue Diamond range. Offering both grain-fed and grass-fed varieties, Kilcoy Diamond provides superior flavour and tenderness which is reflected in its market success, year after year.

Below is a sample of our marble score 0-1 Ebony Black Angus range. The Ebony range is produced from carefully selected prime Black Angus, to deliver a juicy, tender and flavoursome experience.

MB 2-3

Below is a sample of our marble score 2-3 Carrara Wagyu range. Carrara Wagyu is renowned for its marbling, inspired by the intricate, feathery patterns found in the world’s finest marble.

Below is a sample of our marble score 2-3 Ebony Choice range. The Ebony range is produced from carefully selected prime Black Angus, to deliver a juicy, tender and flavoursome experience.

Below is a sample of our marble score 2-3 Black Diamond range. Our Black Diamond range takes quality to the next level. This minimum 100-day grain-fed beef delivers full flavour and an excellent eating experience every time.

Below is a sample of our marble score 2-3 Green Diamond range. Offering both grain-fed and grass-fed varieties, Kilcoy Diamond provides superior flavour and tenderness which is reflected in its market success, year after year.

MB 4-5

Below is a sample of our marble score 4-5 Carrara Wagyu range. Carrara Wagyu is renowned for its marbling, inspired by the intricate, feathery patterns found in the world’s finest marble.

Below is a sample of our marble score 4-5 Ebony Prime range. For the more sophisticated diner, Ebony Prime offers a guaranteed marble score of 4+.

MB 6-7

Below is a sample of our marble score 6-7 Carrara Wagyu range. Carrara Wagyu is renowned for its marbling, inspired by the intricate, feathery patterns found in the world’s finest marble.


Below is a sample of our marble score 6-7 Jade Pure range. Jade Pure Wagyu is a limited supply offering served at the world’s finest establishments.

MB 8-9

Below is a sample of our marble score 8-9 Carrara Wagyu range. Carrara Wagyu is renowned for its marbling, inspired by the intricate, feathery patterns found in the world’s finest marble.

Below is a sample of our marble score 8-9 Jade Pure range. Jade Pure Wagyu is a limited supply offering served at the world’s finest establishments.


MB 9+

Below is a sample of our Carrara Wagyu range. Carrara Wagyu is renowned for its marbling, inspired by the intricate, feathery patterns found in the world’s finest marble.

Below is a sample of our marble score 9+ Jade Pure range. Jade Pure Wagyu is a limited supply offering served at the world’s finest establishments.


Our Beef Brands
Ebony Black Angus
Our Beef Brands
Carrara Wagyu
Our Beef Brands
Kilcoy Diamond
Our Beef Brands

Jade Pure Wagyu
Our Beef Brands

Kilcoy Pure